源 起




It all began with a miraculous encounter one night in the sixty-eighth year of the Republic of China, during which while Taoist Priest Yan Chan was doing spiritual training, all of a sudden, he saw a golden dragon descending from the heaven and saying, “I’m the golden dragon, coming down to the earth to help the world, and you are the one who will execute my will in representation of me.” Next came another bright light, transforming itself into a Dragon-Phoenix (i.e. Supreme Sacred Dragon-Phoenix Banner of Yu Zhao Tin Gong). The Taoist priest was bewildered with such a miraculous vision, thinking it incredible. Afterward, during his spiritual trainings, such visions appeared again and again, urging him to take action. To verify whether the oracles he had received were only his own illusions, he began his journey of verification for almost three years, during which every time he received an indication, it was proved in the real world affairs right away. Once in his communication with the supernatural, he asked, “ Why has the heavenly order chosen me?” The Patriarch replied, “You shoulder the heavenly cause; moreover, you’ve made great achievements in your spiritual training, and you’re humble, tolerant, courageous. Though not eloquent, you’re zealous and treat everybody indiscriminately, which conforms to the spirit of serving the world fairly and justly. That’s why you have been chosen to carry out the heavenly order.”

Hearing that, Taoist Priest Yan Chan knew that he could not but follow the mandate of heaven, and thus, in the seventieth year of the Republic of China, he founded Jin Yu Zhao Tin Gong officially together with Guo Lao and Rong Jie to patrol and guard in representation of the heaven, to manage metaphysical dictations as well as orders and to carry out such heavenly missions as serving the world, propagating, practicing Taoism and doing good deeds. Since then, Yu Zhao Tin Gong has begun its heavenly cause as shown in the dictations and has become an important power to make people feel secure.