宗 旨

  1. 循黃脈道統,承先啟後,獨創元黃道脈靈修,以眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意六識法門,傳承濟世。
  2. 謹遵古訓,宣導忠孝節義及謙虛寬容為修道之基本,並藉由拆文不時叮嚀,砥其心性,勵其志節,循循善誘,虔誠修道,行善積德,明心見性,俾使人性達於至真、至善、至美。
  3. 本著玉皇慈悲為懷,大愛佈施,以天下蒼生為念,教化門生,知因果,明是非,辨黑白,牽引修德造福,闡揚渡人渡己的善念,迎向光明之路。


Execute the Way in representation of the Heaven, serve the world as a bridge, lead people to the Way, do in accordance with one’s own divine providence and cultivate acquired blessings; gather together able and virtuous personages to open up the mandate of heaven and carry out the missions of propagating as well as teaching, serving the world and handing down traditions.

  1. Based on the traditions of Chinese culture, inheriting the good old and ushering in the future, create a sect of Taoist spiritual training to hand down traditions and serve the world with the approach of six senses such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.
  2. Observe old precepts earnestly and promote the idea that loyalty, filial piety, chastity, righteousness, modesty and humility are the basic foundations of spiritual training. By means of chanted dictations, constantly remind oneself, temper one’s character, reinforce one’s will and chastity, teach with patience and skill, do spiritual training piously, nourish one’s nature and temperament, do good deeds along with accumulating virtues, understand one’s mind and see one’s nature in order to help human nature reach ultimate trueness, supreme goodness and perfect beauty.
  3. Keep in mind Yu Huang’s mercy, great love in giving alms and care for common people in the world, teach disciples to know cause and effect, to distinguish between right and wrong and to tell good from bad, guiding them to cultivate virtue and bring benefits to the society, and preaching as well as explaining the good idea that helping others is helping oneself to march toward the Way of bright light.